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събота, 22 януари 2011 г.

Музей на Народен театър “Иван Вазов”

Музеят на Народен театър “Иван Вазов” се помещава на V етаж в административната част от сградата на театъра.

Той е отворен от вторник до петък: сутрин от 9.00 до 12.30 и следобед от 14.00 до 16.30 часа.

Идеята на видния учен проф. Иван Шишманов, министър на просвещението в началото на ХХ век за създаване на музея е безрезервно подкрепена от Иван Вазов, Васил Кирков, Иван Попов, Адриана Будевска, Стоян Бъчваров, Гено Киров, Христо Ганчев, Атанас Кирчев и други крупни фигури от националната ни култура. Още по време на строежа на сградата на Народния театър (открита през януари 1907 г.) проф. Шишманов задължава управлението на театъра да се погрижи да създаването на музей, в който да се съхраняват материали, показващи развитието на първия театър на България. Но по различни причини идеята се осъществява чак през 1923 г., когато министърът на просвещението проф. Стоян Омарчевски издава заповед за създаването на Музей на Народния театър. Пожарът през февруари с. г. отново отлага създаването на музея. Едва през 1929 г., когато е открита възстановената сграда на Народния театър, Музеят на Народния театър започва реално да съществува. Фондът на Музея започва да се оформя чрез дарения, откупки, материали, постъпващи от художествено-творческия и административния състав на театъра.



НЛМ – филиал Къща-музей „Петко и Пенчо Славейкови”
София 1000
ул. „Г.С.Раковски” №138
URL: www.museumslaveykovi.hit.bg
e-mail: slaveykovi@abv.bg

National Literary Museum
ул. Георги С. Раковски 138
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9873414

Семеен римски мавзолей

Археологическият паметник от IV век, който се намира в квартал "Лозенец", на края на ул. Димитър Хаджикоцев, до самия Южен парк.
Обектът е открит през 2001 г. от архитектите Марио Иванов и Константин Шалганов.

Възможно е мавзолеят да е част от комплекс с римската базилика, която е на 200-300 м и също е много западнала.

За съжаление му е открадната арката

Вила Рустика

София, кв. Хаджи Димитър, Район "Подуяне", ул. Гинци, между блок 23 и 24, до обръщало на автобус 85

Снимки от "Проект за разкриване, консервация и социализация на късно-античен мавзолей в ж.к. Хаджи Димитър".

През 1966 г. в местноста "Герена" край София, започва изграждането на няколко панелни жилищни блока. По време на изкопните работи е разкрита най-голямата досега известна вила рустика (селска вила) край Сердика. Тя се е състояла от шест постройки с различно предназначение, разположени на площ от около 5 декара.
Обори, хамбари, жилища за робите, различни стопански съоръжения свидетелстват как е бил устроен животът тогава, а съкровището от сребърни римски монети позволява да се установи по датите на управление на императорите, представени на тях, че разрушението на вилата е свързано с голямото готско нашествие през 270-275 г.

От тях най-ценна от съвременна културна гледна точка е постройката на семейния мавзолей.
Запазеният план и архитектурните детайли от тази рядко срещаща се в антична Сердика култова сграда я превръщат в ценен архитектурен паметник илюстриращ историческото, социалното и икономическото развитие на града през III-Vв.
Мавзолеят в "Хаджи Димитър" е ориентиран север-юг. Хипотезите са, че входът му е бил монументално оформен, с каменна дъговидна арка, стъпваща на мощни пиластри. По дългата ос на сградата последователно са разположени три помещения. Средното представлява квадратна по план зала, от двете страни на която има по една конха - полукръгло в план пространство. Крайното трето помещение е разделено на четири еднакви гробни камери. Те са били предназначени за семейството на собственика и навярно са съдържали скъпи предмети.
Късноантичният мавзолей в Хаджи Димитър е обявен за паметник на културата от национално значение.

На 2 август тази година разкопките бяха подновени и днес обектът изглежда значително по-добре. Останките са разкрити и почистени. Очертанията на мавзолея и съседната сграда са ясно видими, на терена няма боклуци, окосена е тревата.

НИМ-филиал България и славянския свят

бул.”Е.Георгиев” № 169,

тел. 9431117;

Директор: Николай Кочанков

Музей на МВР

София 1000, ул. “Лавеле” №30
тел. 9877173; 9823341; 9823338; 9823339; 9823342; Директор: Димитър Павлов
The museum of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Police Museum)
working Hours
Работно Време: 9-12 14-17
Безплатен музей
Admission free


Национален църковен историко-археологически музей (НЦИАМ)

Адрес: София, пл. "Св. Неделя" 19 (сградата на Богословския факултет при СУ "Св. Климент Охридски")

Тел.: (02) 988 13 43

Музеят е същевременно научен и просветен институт. Помещава се в зданието на Духовната академия (дн. Богословски факултет на СУ, бел. ред), съградено в 1906 г.Сградата, намираща се в центъра на града - на пл. Ленин (дн. пл. „Св. Неделя", бел. ред.), е построена на времето по проект на арх. Грунангер, който потърсил значителна връзка с националното ни наследство - живописния ни архитектурен стил от епохата на Втората българска държава с главни паметници - църквите в Несебър; по фасадата живописно, по проекти на проф. Харалампи Тачев и изпълнение на проф. Никола Ганушев, са дадени портрети на български просветители и духовници-възрожденци. (Разрушеният през последната война купол на сградата със живописната композиция под него „Четене на фермана от Иларион Макариополски за обявяване на българската екзархия в 1870 г." чакат своето възстановяване.)

Колекция, наброява над 11 000 светини и исторически паметници, има старинни икони, щампи, дърворезба, старопечатни книги, богослужебна утвар, макети на старинни църкви, албуми със снимки на храмове, и ръкописи на архиереи и будители, сред които екзарх Антим I, екзарх Йосиф I, митр. Климент Търновски (Васил Друмев), митр. Иларион Макариополски, Неофит Бозвели и други

Представени са основните художествени школи с творби от Димитър Зограф, Захарий Зограф, папа Витан, Йоаникий папа Витанов, Симеон Цонюв и др. възрожденски и съвременни иконописци.
Повечето икони обаче са в Криптата на храм-паметник "Св. Александър Невски", която сбирба е създадена с икони от НЦИАМ.

Музеят е отворен всеки делничен ден между 9:00 и 17:00 часа (с обедна почивка).


Експозиции: овцевъдство и козевъдство, растениевъдство, пчеларство, розопроизводство, ветеринарно дело, зала за работа с деца "Виж, пипни и запомни".

гр. София, ул. Суходолска №30 - последната спирка на трамвай №10 и автобус №77, Западен парк и от там автобуси №56 и №57 в посока Суходол - слиза се на втората спирка.

02 - 929 93 73; 02 - 929 67 53

National Agricultural Museum
ул. Суходолска 30
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9299373

Музей по палеонтология и историческа геология

Музей по палеонтология и историческа геология към СУ
бул. "Цар Освободител" 15
тел.: 02/ 930 8200

Там се намира и известният експонат - "Мамута", намерен при разкопки, ако не се лъжа за подлеза при Музея земята и хората или при Телевизионата кула. Достапат е доста ограничен. Влизате в СУ и се качвате по северозападното стълбище на Юридическия факултет и стигате на последния етаж.
The National Museum of Natural History (NMNHS) has a history of almost one hundred and twenty years. It is the oldest museum in Bulgaria and the oldest and richest among the natural history museums on the Balkan Peninsula. It was founded in 1889 by the Royal Prince Ferdinand under the name Royal Prince’s Natural History Museum. At first it used to accommodate Prince Ferdinand’s personal collections of birds, mammals and butterflies. The first curator of the museum was the court doctor Dr Paul Leverkühn who was a famous ornithologist. He organised the first exposition in 14 halls on two floors in an old building where today’s museum stands and it was opened for visits in 1907. That year the first and until now the only full catalogue of collections was issued listing several thousand exhibits of that time.

Until WW I the museum added collections mainly from abroad, given as present or bought from famous foreign collectors and travellers: Count Amede Aleon, Emil Holoub, Stewart Baker, Joseph Haberhauer, Julius Milde, etc. In the next decades almost all private collections of animals and plants were contributed by the first Bulgarian geologists such as Nikola Nedelkov, Petar Chorbadjiev and Dimitar Yoakimov, Ivan Neychev, Ivan Uroumov and Anany Yavashev, Prof. Georgi Zlatarski and Rafail Popov.


Address: 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Phones (+359 2) 987 41 95
Tickets: (+359 2) 988 51 15 (ext. 706)
Fax (+359 2) 988 28 94
e-mail: contact@nmnhs.com

Opening times:
for the scientific departments: Mon — Fri 08:30 — 17:00
for the exhibitions: every day from 10:00 — 18:00, except on 1 January, 3 March and 25 December
— tickets can be bought until 17:15

How to get to the museum?
Public transport:
— Subway — ‘Serdika’ stop
— Bus lines 9, 94, 280, 306 — ‘Sofia University’ stop
— Troleybus line 9 — ‘St. Alexander Nevski Square’ stop
— Troleybus lines 1, 2, 4, 11 — ‘Sofia University’ stop
— Tramway line 20 — ‘National Opera’ stop
— Tramway lines 1, 2, 7 — ‘Sveta Nedelya Square’ stop

Admission fees
— Adults: 4.00 BGN
— Children under 18: 1.00 BGN
— Students: 2.00 BGN
— People with disabilities: 1.00 BGN
— Retirees: 2.00 BGN

Guided tour [upon request by phone (02) 988 28 94]: 20.00 BGN

Музей на спорта

The Museum of Sports at Bulgaria's national stadium

The museum boasts exhibits that tell the story of the first sports associations that cropped up across Bulgaria in 80s of the 19th century and preserves mementos of the most prominent Bulgaria Athletes.

Бул. "България" 1А,
Национален стадион В. Левски,
тел.: 02/ 930 07 61
Музеят на физическата култура и спорта се намира в специално пригодена зала в Националния стадион Васил Левски.

Музеят на спорта е създаден с Решение на Бюрото на ВКФС (Върховен комитет за физическо възпитание и спорт) и с Писмо на Министерство на културата от 26 април 1956 г.

На 1 септември 1959 г. Бюрото на БСФС (Български съюз за физическа възпитание и спорт – структура след Върховния комитет) взема Решение № 30 с Протокол № 1 “Откриване на Музей на физическата култура и спорта”, а първата музейна експозиция е открита на 30 март 1962 г. като първоначално се помещава в Спортната палата.

Вход и работно време
Музеят на физическата култура е с работно време от 10.00 до 12.00 и от 14.00 до 17.00 ч.
Почивни дни: събота и неделя
Вход: 1 лв. (Отстъпки за групи над 10 души)
Уредник: Катя Иванова тел. (02) 9 300 754
Помощник–експерт: Цветелина Боршукова тел. (02) 9 300 754


National Literary Museum КЪЩА-МУЗЕЙ ПЕЙО К.ЯВОРОВ

Peio Yavorov's Memorial House

Национален литературен музей
Град: София
Адрес: София, ул. Г. С. Раковски 138
Телефон: 029873414
Факс: 29873414
Къщи-музеи - филиали на НЛМ; Вазов, Славейкови, Яворов, Елин Пелин, Смирненски, Вапцаров, Емилиян Станев, Д. Димов.

The Romantic poet and revolutionary Peyo Yavorov (1878–1914;) briefly lived in the small apartment in this house, now a low-key museum poised for demolition. The rooms here have been restored to their original appearance. The mementos include the dress Yavorov’s wife, Lora, was wearing when she committed suicide and the poet attempted on his life too, Yavorov’s death-mask and several photographs of the unhappy couple. Ring the doorbell for admittance.

The poet was one of the most compelling figures in our Literature.
Address 2nd fl, ul Rakovski 136
Phone 987 3414
Price admission 1 lv
Hours 10am-5pm Mon-Wed & Fri, 1-5pm Thu

Museum-House Peio K. Iavorov
ул. Георги С. Раковски 136
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9880887

Doctors' Garden - Monument and Roman Remains

Just behind the National Library, surrounded by the most prominent residential areas iof Sofia, this smart, secluded and well-groomed park is a really pleasant place. Centered by the monument dedicated to the medics who died in the Russo-Turkish War (1877-78) the big pyramidal structure looks like a mountain peak with its surrounding pine threes.

Also there, the park area features plenty of Roman architectural fragments excavated in Sofia.

National Ethnographic Museum - Етнографският институт с музей

Also in the building of the National Art Gallery is situate National Ethnographic Museum - Етнографският институт с музей (Национален етнографски музей, ЕИМ)

Spread over two floors, it has a permanent collection of regional costumes and crafts, although most of the space is usually occupied by long-term temporary exhibitions on topics of varying interest, such as traditional festivals, carpet-making, provincial bread stamps, etc. (Everything is captioned in English.) Some rooms are in poor condition, but others, with their marble fireplaces, mirrors and ornate plasterwork, are worth pausing over; note the lobster, fish and dead duck on the ceiling of what was once presumably a royal dining room.

Братската могила

communist monument built in 1956 and known as the Mound of Brotherhood, featuring a 42m-high obelisk and socialist-realist icons including a pair of partisan fighters, dramatically gesturing comrades clutching Kalashnikovs, and smiling, stoic workers. It has long been neglected by the authorities, and several of the socialist heroes are now missing limbs and gaining coats of graffiti, but small groups of pensioners come on occasion to lay flowers in remembrance of the red old days.

Езерото с лилиите

Borisova Gradina

Sofia's most attractive expanse of greenery
Only the lower section to the main city is cultivated, the rest is a vast forest expanse. The cultivated part is laid out with countless statues and flowerbeds, and is a relaxing place to take a leisurely stroll on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

Патриарх Евтимий - Popa

Popa, a popular spot for arranging meeting

Къщата музей на народния поет Иван Вазов Museum-House Ivan Vazov

Iv.Vazov St 10
02 9881270
Bulgaria’s most admired author, Ivan Vazov (1850–1921), lived at this house, from 1895 until his death. Vazov wrote Under the Yoke, a classic of Bulgarian literature based around the 1876 April Uprising against the Turks. Through his literature he basically created all Bulgarian national myths and heroes. Some rooms have been restored to their early-20th-century appearance, in the study is Vazov’s beloved pet dog, Bobby (stuffed, of course). Also, there’s a small exhibition of photographs and documents, though labelling is only in Bulgarian. You’ll need to ring the doorbell to gain admittance.

Музей на Иван Вазов се намира на ъгъла на улиците “Г.С. Раковски” и “Ив. Вазов”, а самата къща е построена през 1895 година. Тук народният поет е живял най-дълго време. В една от стаите на първия етаж се намира художествено-документалана експозиция, в която са изложени и някои от подаръци и награди, подарени му за двата му юбилея през 1895 и 1920 години.

Само няколко дни след смъртта на Иван Вазов на 22 сетпември 1921 година министърът на просвещението Стоян Омарчевски внася в Народното събрание обширен доклад с мотивите за превръщането на Вазовия дом в музей. Пет години по-късно, на 26 ноември 1926 година е официално открит първия български литературен музей.

Вторник, сряда, петък и събота: от 10 до 17 часа
четвъртък: от 13 до 17 часа
Почивни дни – неделя и понеделник

Граждани – 3.00 лв.
Ученици, студенти и пенсионери – 2.00 лв.
Беседа – 5 лв.
Беседа на чужд език – 10.00 лв.

Безплатен вход – всеки последен четвъртък на месеца и всеки приемен ден за униформени войници, хора с увреждания и деца до 7 години

За справки и записвания – тел. 988 12 70
За посещение – звънете!

Национален литературен музей, София, ул. “Г.С.Раковски” №138
Тел. 02/ 987 34 14, имейл: nlmuseum@abv.bg

The Ivan Vazov National Theatre (Bulgarian: Народен театър „Иван Вазов“, Naroden teatar „Ivan Vazov“) is Bulgaria's national theatre

The Ivan Vazov National Theatre (Bulgarian: Народен театър „Иван Вазов“, Naroden teatar „Ivan Vazov“) is Bulgaria's national theater, as well as the oldest and most authoritative theater in the country and one of the important landmarks of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. It is located in the centre of the city, with the facade facing the City Garden.

Founded in 1904 by the artists from the Salza i Smyah company,
 it was initially called simply the National Theatre, but before being
named after the prominent writer Ivan Vazov it also bore the name of Krastyu Sarafov between 1952 and 1962. The theatre's Neoclassical building, designed by famous Viennese theatre architects Hermann Helmer and Ferdinand Fellner,
 was finished in 1906 and opened on 3 January 1907. The building was
extensively damaged by a fire in 1923 during an anniversary celebration,
 but was reconstructed in 1929 by German architect Martin Dülfer.
A theatrical school was established as part of the National Theatre in 1925. The bombing of Sofia in World War II
 caused considerable damage to the building, but it was reconstructed in
 1945. Another reconstruction followed in 1971-1975, and a €100,000 restoration project was implemented in 2006.
The Ivan Vazov National Theatre has a well-equipped main stage with
750 seats, a smaller 120-seat stage and an additional 70-seat one on the
 fourth floor.
The building's facade is depicted on the obverse of the Bulgarian 50 levs banknote, issued in 1999 and 2006.
The theatre has been host to productions from notable theatre directors such as Lilia Abadjieva.

Ivan Vazov National Theatre
ул. Дякон Игнатий 5
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 8119259
Archeological remains of the East Gate of the ancient town. It is displayed in the subway between the House of the President and the Council of Ministers. Admired 24/7.

The Eastern Gateway consists of outside dropping gate, place of front defense (poternae) and inner gate with three passages - middle one, wide 3.8 m and two narrow ones 0.8 m each. The entrance into the pentagon turrets was possible from the side of the place of defense.

Останки от Източната порта на древна Сердика в Подлеза между Министерски Съвет и Президенството.
Източната порта се състои от външна спускаща се врата (катаракта), място за предна отбрана (poternae) и вътрешна врата с три прохода - среден, широк 3,8 м, и два тесни странични по 80 см. Влизането в петоъгълните кули при източната порта е ставало откъм мястото за отбрана.

http://www.ulpiaserdica.com/east_gate_bg.html - Bulgarian
http://www.ulpiaserdica.com/east_gate_en.html - English

Archeological remains of the Northwestern tower of the ancient town. It is under the moder catholic church in Sofia. Admired 24/7 from the Todor Alexandrov Blvd. 

Ulpia Serdica- tower and St Spas Church Under Bulbank

The remains are situated in the foundations of UniCredti Bulank HQ and can be admired from the Todor Alexandrov Blvd.

Църква Свети Спас
Под Булбанк
Храмът е част от археологичен комплекс, просъществувал от края на ХІІ-ХVІІІ до края на ХІХ (1884г.), същият е претърпял четири преустройства.

Църквата „Свети Спас” е еднокорабна, с малък притвор, с петстепенна отвън и седемстепенна отвътре абсида. В северната и южната стена, пред иконостаса, са оформени анекси. Стените на наоса са разчленени с по три плитки аркирани ниши. Основите на църквата са градени от едри обли камъни, споени с глина, градежът на стените е в т.нар. „клетъчна зидария” – камъни, споени с хоросан и оградени с тухли.

Изобразителни изкуства
Запазени са няколко пласта стенописи. От периода ХV-ХІХ в. при най-ранните стенописи личи ръката на много опитен художник. Образите са строги и одухотворени. В средата на ХІХ в. църквата е преустроена и отново стенописана в ярки, светли тонове. Около църквата е открит богат средновековен некропол.
St. Spas Church
Under Bulbank
The church is part of an archeological complex. It existed for a very long period of time – from the end of the 12th -18th centuries to the end of the 19th century (1884) and underwent four restructuring.

St. Spas Church has one nave, with a small nartex and apsida – pentagonal outside and heptagonal inside. Annexes are shaped in the northern and in the southern wall, in front of the iconostasis. The walls of the naos are articulated with three shallow arched niches each. The bases of the church were built using larger oval stones, glued with clay, the building of the walls is in the so-called “cellular masonry” – the stones, glued together with plaster and surrounded by bricks.

Pictorial arts
Preserved are several layers of mural paintings. The earliest mural paintings from the period 15th-19th century manifest the hand of a very experienced painter. The images are austere and spirited. In the middle of the 19th century the church was re-structured and was repainted in bright, light colours. A rich medieval necropolis was discovered around the church.

Admired 24/7 from the Todor Alexandrov Blvd.

Кремиковски манастир Св. Георги Победоносец - Manastir SV.Velikomachenik Georgi Pobedonosets

Manastir SV.Velikomachenik Georgi Pobedonosets
02994 7033


Not much, but still there is something to see. Check the web site first for yourself - www.polytechnicmuseum.org

This less visited museum is not that bad either. It displays a smart collection on topics as photography, radio and time measurement (though not always well labelled).  Some of it's treasures are a perfectly restored 1928 Ford Model A,  atomic clocks, typewriters, early movie cameras and mechanical pianos, Bulgarian-made freeze-dried ‘space food’, including a packet of powdered tarator.

Address ul Opalchenska 66
Phone 931 3004
Price admission 3 lv
Hours  9am-5pm Mon-Fri

National Polytechnical Museum
ул. Опълченска 66
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9318018



This museum is among the most interesting and best presented in Sofia. Over three floors it displays the warfare in Bulgaria from the Thracians onwards, with extensive labelling and information boards in English. Most it is however dedicated to the Third Bulgarian State from the Liberation in 1876 through to WWI.  The museum has it all: cases with weaponry, rebel flags and endless parade of uniforms and personal belongings of soldiers. Among the more striking are the shaggy-fur flying costume, resembling a traditional Kuker outfit, worn by a Lt Simeon Petrov during the First Balkan War, and the pint-sized tunic of Nikola Kostov, a 10-year-old WWI ‘volunteer’. Exhibits from WWII and the communist period follow, with the final gallery concentrating on the Bulgarian army’s current peace-keeping role within NATO. An additional ticket (2 lv) is required for the 4th-floor galleries, which hold a collection of foreign decorations awarded to Bulgarian leaders and, if you haven’t had your fill, yet more uniforms and guns.

Address  ul Cherkovna 92
Phone 946 1806
Price admission 2 lv, guided tour 10 lv
Hours    o 10am-6pm Wed-Sun

National Museum of Military History
ул. Черковна 92
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9461806

Earth and Man National Museum Natsionalen muzey Zemyata i horata

The Earth and Man National Museum (Bulgarian: Национален музей „Земята и хората“, romanized Natsionalen muzey „Zemyata i horata“) is a mineralogical museum, housed in a former gunpowder barracks.

It's one of the biggest mineralogical museums in the world. It was founded on 30 December 1985 and opened for visitors on 19 June 1987. The museum is situated in a reconstructed and adapted historic building with an area of 4,000 m² constructed in the end of the 19th century (1896–1898). It has a number of exhibition halls, stock premises, laboratories, a video room and a conference room. Its collection covers 40% of all known naturally occurring minerals as well as man-made ceramics prepared by Bulgarian scientists.

The Big Wooden Lantern

The oldest settlement in Sofia

off the bitten track, but even I do not know how to visit it

Тhe Rakovski Defence and Staff College (Bulgarian: Военна академия „Георги Стойков Раковски“)

The Rakovski Defence and Staff College (Bulgarian: Военна академия „Георги Стойков Раковски“), based in Sofia, is Bulgaria's oldest military institution of higher education. It was officially established on 1 March 1912 with an act of the National Assembly of Bulgaria and opened on 4 January 1915, delayed due to the Balkan Wars.

Since its creation, the college has served as the main institution for the training of military commanders and personnel in Bulgaria and the primary one in the field of national security and military science, as well as NATO operational compatibility. The college trains 1,500 officers and civil individuals a year and has 148 qualified lecturers.

Военна академия „Георги Стойков Раковски“ в София е най-старото висше военно училище в България. Създадена е на 1 март 1912 г.

В условията на извършващите се в началото на ХХ век реформи и модернизация на българската войска необходимостта от офицерски кадри с висше образование става особено належаща. Ето защо на 11 декември 1911 г. с доклад до държавния глава цар Фердинанд І военният министър генерал Никифор Никифоров прави аргументирано предложение за основаването на Военна академия. В мотивите си той изтъква, че развитието на военното дело изисква и нашата армия по примера на другите държави "да се постави по пътя на едно по-правилно културно развитие", което налага "учредяването на едно висше военно учебно заведение под названието Военна академия".

В исторически и в архитектурен план обектите в района на Военна академия “Г. С. Раковски” са ценни паметници на културата. Протоколът на Националния институт за паметниците на културата от 18 март 1985 г. декларира нормативно и изброява като такива по-голямата част от сградния фонд, оградата от пушки по бул.”Евлоги и Христо Георгиеви”, основната алея в парка и езерото. Тези забележителности въплъщават духовността и традицията на българската войска.


Bulgarian National Library (St. Cyrill and St. Methodius National Library) - Национална библиотека „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий“

SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library
бул. Васил Левски 88
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9881600

The Boyana Church - БОЯНСКА ЦЪРКВА

The Boyana church is situated at the foot of Vitosha mountain not far from Bulgaria's capital, Sofia. In the 11 th century there was a fortification in this area which played a main role in the wars between Byzantium and Bulgaria. The Boyana church contains the most remarkable examples of Bulgarian medieval painting, while at the same time being one of the best preserved and most interesting architectural monuments from the feudal era.

НИМ - филиал - “Боянска църква”

София 1616
ул.”Боянско езеро” № 3,
тел. 9590939; 9592963
URL: www.boyanachurch.org
e-mail: nmbc@nmbc.orbitel.bg
Директор: Мариана Трифонова

Boyana Church
ул. Боянско езеро 3
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9590939

National Museum of History - Natsionalen istoricheski muzey

The National Museum of History in Sofia contains more than 650,000 exhibits and is one of tha largest museums in the Balkans. It provides a comprehensive view of Bulgarian history from Prehistory to the present. Closed on national holidays - 1 Jan, 24, 25 Dec.

Quite unfortunately it is located at the outskirts of the city, housed in the former residence of the last Bulgarian communist leader.

National Historical Museum
София, кв. Бояна, ул. Витошко лале 16
02 9554280

Света Петка Самарджийска

The Church St. “Petka Samardjiiska” is ancient Chrisitna monument from XI century, its mural paintings dated XV century are unique and inestimable. 

Central Sofia Market Hall ЦЕНТРАЛНИ ХАЛИ

The Central Sofia Market Hall (Bulgarian: Централни софийски хали, Tsentralni sofiyski hali), known popularly simply as The Market Hall (Халите, Halite) is a covered market in the centre of Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, located on Marie Louise Boulevard. It was opened in 1911 and is today an important trade centre in the city.
The construction of the building, which spreads over 3,200 m², began in 1909 after the design of architect Naum Torbov was selected in 1907, and took two years to complete.

Until the late 1940s the Sofia municipality let out about 170 shops and stalls in the Central Sofia Market Hall. The rents and the product quality were strictly regulated. The market hall building's interior was significantly altered after the 1950s and the market was closed in 1988 in order to be reconstructed, modernized and once again opened on Easter, 2000.

It is interesting to note that the Synagogue, located on the one side of the Market Hall, has purchased the "air" above the building.  This means that the Market cannot be build higher than its current profile.

In the basement of the Hall are preserved and exhibit remains of the towers of the north gate of the Roman City of Sofia and remains of Roman city wall.  Also there is exhibited remains of a Bath.

Останки от баня, част от късноантична Сердика – ІV в. Разполагала е с различни по големина правоъгълни помещения, полукръгли басейни, водопроводни и отоплителни съоръжения (хипокауст).

Водоснабдявана е от дълбок, каптиран, горещ минерален извор, намиращ се в центъра на града (същият съществува и ден днешен до Ulpia Serdica- Northeastern round tower – Североизточната кръгла кула до линията на трамвай №20).

Твърде вероятно е да са използвани и студени планински води, докарвани по водопровод от Витоша за захранване на т.нар. „фригидариум”. (Фригидариум – Frigidarium
В повече вили на римляните, лакониумът е бил пропускан като помещение, излизайки от него, респ. от калдаруима – когато лакониумът не е бил обособен, римлянинът задължително минавал през охлаждащата процедура на frigidarium-а. Фриджидариума също е бил обширен, и в него е разположен басейн със студена вода, наричан piscina. Кратко потапяне и охлаждане и денят е можело да продължи с вълшебни нотки и обновена психика и тяло.)
Bath – relics of a bath, part of the late ancient Serdika – 4th century A.D.
It had different in size rectangular rooms, semi-oval pools, water pipeline and heating facilities (hypocaust).

Water supply came from a deep ware caught hot mineral source, located at the city center (it continues to exist next to Ulpia Serdica- Northeastern round tower).

It is quite possible that a pipeline supplied cold mountain ware for the so called Frigidarium from Vitosha Mountain.

Крепостна Стена
Останки от крепостна стена на Сердика Средец.
Запазен е вътрешния пояс, строен в края на ІІІ – началото на ІV в., по системата на т.нар. „смесен градеж” – редуващи се речни камъни и червени тухли.

Стената разполага с кръгли и островърхи (триъгълни или питоъгълни) кули.

Вероятно по времето на римската император Юстиниан І (527 – 565 г.) стената била обвита с външен тухлен пояс с дебелина до 1,80 м. На височина достигала до 12 м.

Част от нея с два триъгълни бастиона, бележещи източната и порта, са открити под бул. Княз Ал. Дондуков.

Отбранявала е града до ХІV в.
Fortress wall
Relics of the Serdika – Sredetz Fortress wall

Preserved is the inner fringe, constructed at the end of the 3rd – the beginning of the 4th Century A.D., according to the system of the so called “mixed construction” – alternatively laying river stones and red bricks.

The wall had had oval and spiked (triangular and pentagonal) towers.

Probably during the rule of the Roman Emperor Justinian І (527-565 A.D.) the wall had been covered with an outer fringe of bricks up to 1.80 m thick and up to 12 m high. It used to defend the town until the 14th Century A.D.

Central Sofia Market Hall
бул. Княгиня Мария Луиза 25
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9176106


A Muslim praying site, similar to Mosque, but situated usually in open.  This one in particular being outside the medieval town, probably erected for the praying of the soldiers when they leave on combat march.

It used to be called the "Roman Wall", because the general public did not recognize the structure, but recently the market was renamed to "Old Wall".

Свети Седмочисленици

Church of the Seven Saints, as it’s translation, is dedicated to Sts Cyril and Methodius and their five disciples. Originally built as a mosque in 1528, it had already fallen into disuse by the time the Russians came along in 1878 and turned it into an arms depot. After a brief life as a prison, the structure was restored and remodelled in a style termed Bulgarian National Romanticism, and consecrated as a church in 1903. Inside, the walls are covered in traditional murals of saints, while an image of the Trinity decorates the huge central dome. The gilded iconostasis includes icons painted by Anton Mitov and Stefan Ivanov.

The garden around is a popular gathering spot.

* Address
o ul Graf Ignatiev
* Hours
o 7am-7pm

Soviet Army Monument Паметник на Съветската армия

The giant Monument to the Soviet Army was built to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Russian 'liberation' of Bulgaria in 1944 and is a prime example of the forceful socialist-realism of the period. The place of honour goes to a Red Army soldier atop a column, surrounded by animated cast-iron sculptural groups depicting determined, gun-waving soldiers and grateful, child-caressing members of the proletariat.

Паметникът на Съветската армия в София се намира в идеалния център на града, на булевард "Цар Освободител", между Орлов мост и Софийския университет, в началото на Борисовата градина. Издигнат е в периода 1953-1956 г., като ръководители на творческия колектив са скулпторът Иван Фунев и архитект Данчо Митов. Започва с две скулптурни композиции откъм булеварда и преминава през гранитен плочник, ограден с метални отливки на големи дъбови венци. Постаментът е обграден с бронзови барелефи от трите страни. Скулптурната група включва ликуващ съветски войник с вдигнат автомат, от двете страни на когото са застанали жена и мъж - съответно селянка и работник от България.

Астрономическата обсерватория в градинката зад Военния Клуб Мередияна

Основна астрономическа точка на държавната триангулация на България. През същата минава 23 меридиан и 33 минути.

Построена през 1920г. от Географския институт при Министерството на Войната.

Географската ѝ дължина е определена през 1930г. от видния български учен Академик Владимир К. Христов (1902-1979г.) чрез двустранни наблюдения с Пруския геодезически институт в Потсдам.

През 1957-58г. е свързана с основните астрономически точки на Полша, Румъния и Унгария.

Паметния знак за това е поставен по случай 100-годишнината на Военнотопографската служба при Министерството на отбраната през септември 1991г.

Building of the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church

The building in not bad and you can take a glimpse at it from outside.

This is the Seat of the Synod.
In several of the autocephalous Eastern Orthodox churches and Eastern Catholic Churches, the patriarch or head bishop is elected by a group of bishops called the Holy Synod. For instance, the Holy Synod is a ruling body of the Georgian Orthodox and Apostolic Church.

In Oriental Orthodoxy the Holy Synod is the highest authority in the church[1] and it formulates the rules and regulations regarding matters of church organisation, faith, and order of service.

Botanic garden

The botanic garden on the Sofia University. Not much, especially in comparison with what you can see elsewhere, but a pleasant place to unwind for half an hour in you walk.

National Opera and ballet НАЦИОНАЛНА ОПЕРА И БАЛЕТ

Not much of a building, but compare to western analogues it is tremendously cheaper and the quality is excellent.  Pay attention to the stone  bass-reliefs, they represent the concourse of the working class proletariat and the peasants.  It is a small but vibrant remain of the Communist times.  Really in sound with the opera art

National Opera and Ballet
ул. Врабча 1
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9877011

четвъртък, 20 януари 2011 г.

Amphitheatre of Serdica Софийски римски амфитеатър

A superbly preserved Amphitheatre of Serdica. This amphitheater in the Roman city of Serdica was discovered several years ago but unfortunately the municipality allowed the erection of a hotel over it. Damn it.

Arena di Serdica Residence Hotel *****
1000 Sofia, България
02 8107777

The National Archeology Museum Natsionalen arheologicheski muzey i Arheologicheski i-t BAN

The museum is housed in the former Buyuk Mosque (Büyük Camii - the Big Mosque), dating from 1494. It has a very good collection of Thracian, Roman and Bulgarian finds. There are also unique and valuable icons from all over Bulgaria. Definately a must-see. Inscriptions both in Bulgarian and English.

For me it was interesting to see objects, escavated from my mother's village Vladinia, Loveshka Oblast, and from my neighbourhood in Sofia....
Closed on Mondays in Winter, May to September open every day.
Admission 10 levs.
Both the Archeological, and the National history mueums are free every last Suday of the month.
# Address: :2, Saborna str.
# Directions: Next to the Presidency

Археологически институт с музей при БАН

София 1000

ул. “Съборна” № 2,
тел. 9881473; 9882406; 9867652
факс. 9882405
URL: http://www.naim.bg/
-mail: aim-bas@aclubcable.com
Директор: и.д. проф. Маргарита Ваклинова

National Archaeological Museum
ул. Съборна 2
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9882406

Saint Parascheva - the Old - Света Петка Стара

Ancient Church build in 13c. (around 1241-1257) as a court chapel for Kaloyan (Bulgarian: Калоян; Old Bulgarian: КАЛѠѢНѢ) a 13th-century Bulgarian noble, sebastocrator of Sredets (Sofia) and the surrounding region during the Asen dynasty of the Second Bulgarian Empire.

The church is named after Saint Parascheva of the Balkans (also known as Petka, Petka of Bulgaria, Petca Parasceva, Paraskevi of Serbia, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, Parascheva of Tirnovo, Parascheva the Serbian, Parascheva of Belgrade, Parascheva the New, Parascheva the Young) an ascetic female saint of the 11th century, was born in the town of Epibatos on the shore of the Sea of Marmara; her parents were wealthy landowners.

One of the entrances of the church is on the Kaloyan Str. which follows the ancient roman street.  Also there were discovered the remains of the palace of Constantine the Great.

In 1930 over the church was erected the Patriarch's Palace and some administrative associated with it.


On 22 October 1928 Gen. Vladimir Vazov, the Mayor of Sofia, signed a decree by virtue of which a museum with three sections – a museum, a library and an archive – was established. A picture gallery was to be part of the museum.

A building that was subsequently pulled down near to where Graf Ignatieff Street and Rakovski Street intersect housed the library and the museum initially. In 1941 the library, museum, archive and gallery were moved to the building at 3 Banski Square. There the collection of pictures became the first permanent picture gallery in Bulgaria.

In 1948 part of the gallery’s exhibits were transferred to the newly established National Art Gallery. The Sofia Art Gallery (SAG) became an autonomous institution in 1952.

In 1973 the Sofia Art Gallery moved to what used to be the city casino at 1 Gurko Street. The exposition was officially opened in 1977.

Address  ul General Gurko 1
Phone  987 2181
Price admission free
Hours  10am-6pm Tue-Sat, 11am-5pm Sun

Sofiyska Gradska Hudojestvena Galeriya
София, ул. Ген.И.В.Гурко 1
02 9872181

Sofia Court House

Truelly a building with power.
The Sofia Court House (Bulgarian: Съдебна палата, Sadebna palata) is a building in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, accommodating all the courts in the city. Stylistically a simplistic yet monumental structure, it is located on 2 Vitosha Boulevard, surrounded by Alabin Street, Laveleye Street and Positano Street.

The need for a common building to house all the courts in Sofia was raised in 1926 with the foundation of the Judicial Buildings fund. Construction began in 1929 and finished in 1940. While it was the first structure in this strict monumental style in the city, it was followed by the Bulgarian National Bank in the 1930s and the Largo in the 1950s. The initial architectural plan was the work of Nikola Lazarov, later redesigned by Pencho Koychev. The Court House has a syenite plinth, a facing of white limestone and a noticeable cornice below the top floor. The four-storey building (with two additional underground floors) spreads over a ground area of 8,500 square metres and has 430 premises, of which 24 courtrooms, a library and a bank hall, totalling 48,000 square metres of used area.

The facade features five large gates and 12 columns. In its style, the Court House is eclectic, uniting several Classical themes, with a fourth floor instead of a baluster, as well as Roman and Byzantine style decorations on the doors, windows and corbels.

Ulpia Serdica- Northeastern round tower

Remains of the ancient Sofia.  Well preserved and can be admired 24/7

The corner northeastern round turret of the fortifying system of Serdica is situated on Iskar Str. and Serdica Str. This archeological monument includes parts of the Eastern wall and The Northern wall preserved at a considerable height. Very well seen are the periods of construction: the end of 3rd century - mixed brick and stone masonry; the end of 5th century - brick belt. In a good shape are found parts of a wall thick 6 m at some places and the staircases climbing up the turret and the side exit leading out of the city.

Североизточната ъглова кръгла кула на укрепителната система на Сердика се намира на ул. Искър и ул. Сердика. Този археологически паметник включва части от източната и северната крепостна стена, които са запазени на значителна височина. Добре личат основните етапи на строителство: краят на ІІІ в. - смесена зидария тухли и камък; краят на V в. - тухлен пояс. Запазени са части от стена, която на места достига дебелина до 6 м и стълбите, по които са се изкачвали за кулата и за страничния изход, извеждащ вън от града.



Central Bath

This beautiful building can be seen currently only from outside.  For more than 20 years now she has lost its designated function and has been reconstructed to function as a museum.  Sofia is a tremendousely rich town in terms of mineral water springs so it is quite unfortune that the municipality has decided not to restore this otherwise truly beautiful building into a moder SPA center.

Banya Bashi Mosque

Banya Bashi Mosque (Bulgarian: Баня баши джамия, Banya bashi dzhamiya; Turkish: Banya Başı Camii) is a mosque in Sofia, Bulgaria. Its construction was completed in 1576, during the years the Ottomans had control of the capital. The mosque derives its name from the phrase Banya Bashi, which means many baths. The most outstanding feature of the Mosque is that it was actually built over natural thermal spas. One can even see the steam rising from vents in the ground near the Mosque walls. The Mosque is famous for its large dome and the minaret rising upward to the sky.

Currently the Banya Bashi Mosque is the only functioning mosque in Sofia, a remnant of the Ottoman rule of Bulgaria that lasted nearly five centuries, and is used by the city's Muslim community.

Holy Sunday Church (Bulgarian: църква „Света Неделя“ Sveta Nedelya)


The history of the cathedral's earliest years is to a large extent unknown. It was probably built in the 10th century and had stone foundations and an otherwise wooden construction, remaining wooden until the middle of the 19th century, unlike most other churches in the city. A German  traveller by the name of Stefan Gerlach visited Sofia in 1578 and mentioned the church.

Around 1460, the remains of Serbian king Stefan Milutin were carried to Bulgaria and were stored in various churches and monasteries until being transferred to St Nedelya after it became a bishop's residence in the 18th century. The remains remained there for a period and the church acquired another name, Holy King („Свети Крал“, „Sveti Kral“), in the late 19th and early 20th century.

The former building was demolished to make place for a larger and more imposing cathedral on 25 April 1856. The construction of the 35.5 m-long and 19 m-wide church began in the summer of the same year. The still incomplete building suffered from an earthquake in 1858, which prolonged the construction works that ultimately finished in 1863. It was officially inaugurated on 11 May 1867 in the presence of 20,000 people. A new belfry was erected to accommodate the 8 bells given to the church as a present by Knyaz Dondukov-Korsakov in 1879.

The church was renovated in 1898, with new domes being added. Exarch Joseph I of Bulgaria was buried immediately outside the walls of St Nedelya in 1915. The church was razed in the assault in 1925 that claimed over 150 victims. After the assault, the church was restored to its modern appearance between the summer of 1927 and the spring of 1933 (once again inaugurated on 7 April 1933). It was almost erected anew as a temple 30 m in length and 15.50 m in width and featuring a central dome that made it 31 m high. The gilt iconostasis that survived the bomb attack was returned to the church.

The Rotunda of St George (Sveti Georgi) - Свети Георги

Built in the 4th century, this is the oldest building in Sofia. It used to be a Roman Public building, since the round shape is preserved for secular administrative buildings, but was later converted into a church. Next to it lay the remains of an ancient bath, with the floor heating.

Build in the beginning of the IVth century A.D. during the rule of Emperor Constantine The Great , the Rotunda St. George (Sveti Georgi) is the oldest preserved covered building in Sofia. It is now situated in the inner court of the House of President which is accessible for the public 24/7.

The first wall paintings in the temple are made in the VIth century, during the rule of the Byzantyne emperor Justinian I. During the Ottoman rule it has been transformed into a mosque. In 1915 it was restored as a Christian temple, the minarets were destroyed and the top layer of the inside walls was removed to uncover the ancient wall paintings. Today it is part of UNESCO's World Heritage.

For me, it is the best landmark in Sofia, though not as big and imposing as other churches in the city.

Bulgarian National Bank

National Art Gallery - Natsionalna hudozhestvena galeriya

National Art Gallery (located in the former royal palace, formerly the Turkish Konak in Sofia)

The National Art Gallery (Bulgarian: Национална художествена галерия, Natsionalna hudozhestvena galeriya) is Bulgaria's national gallery and houses over 50,000 pieces of Bulgarian art. It is located on Battenberg Square in the capital city of Sofia, occupying most of the historic and imposing edifice of the former royal palace of Bulgaria, having been established in 1934 and moved to the palace in 1946, after the abolition of the monarchy.

The royal palace, a typical example of Second Empire architecture with chateauesque connotations, was constructed in two stages, the first lasting between 1880 and 1882 during the rule of Knyaz Alexander Battenberg, when Austro-Hungarian architects under Viktor Rumpelmayer worked on the building. It was inaugurated on 26 December 1882 and constituted the representative part of the palace, encompassing the administrative ground floor, the ballrooms above and the service third floor. The second stage, during Knyaz (later Tsar) Ferdinand, saw the construction of the palace's east wing by Viennese architect Friedrich Grünanger, who incorporated elements of Viennese Neo-Baroque. The east wing was where the apartments of the royal family were located, but some service premises (including a lift) were also located there.

Meanwhile, the National Archaeological Museum was established. It was the first national institution to have an art department in the country, which was founded in 1892. It collected examples of contemporary Bulgarian art. The department grew into the State Art Gallery in 1934 and was moved to a separate building. Among its exhibits were works by Bulgarian National Revival artists, foreign art and works of first-generation Bulgarian painters from after the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1878.

National Art Gallery
1 Batemberg Sq
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9803325

The Church of St Nicholas the Miracle-Maker

the Church of St Nicholas the Miracle-Maker
бул. Цар Освободител 3
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9862715

Military club

бул. Цар Освободител 7
Sofia, Bulgaria
02 9806715

Monument of the Russian Tzar Alexander II

Monument of the Russian Tzar Alexander II (on the left side), referred to as Tsar Osvoboditel,The King Liberator, given this name because his army helped liberate Bulgaria from Ottoman rule in 1878, situated in front of the parliament.  The main street of the city of Sofia is named after him.  It is also referred to as simply “the tsar (king)”, “the yellow cobbles” or simply “the cobbles” because of the yellow paving-blocks with which the street is paved.  They are ceramic and have been imported from Austria.  The route, drawn on this map, follows this street

The Tsar Stroll

If you walk from the University down the street (moving east to west) you can see:
The Monument of the Russian Tzar Alexander II (on the left side), referred to as Tsar Osvoboditel, The King Liberator, given this name because his army helped liberate Bulgaria from Ottoman rule in 1878, situated in front of the parliament.  The main street of the city of Sofia is named after him.  It is also referred to as simply “the tsar (king)”, “the yellow cobbles” or simply “the cobbles” because of the yellow paving-blocks with which the street is paved.  They are ceramic and have been imported from Austria.  The route, drawn on this map, follows this street;
The building of the Parliament (on the right side);
After the Parliament you can also see all these beautiful buildings, all on the right side of the street - the buildings of the National Academy of Science, on the corner next to the Parliament, after that – the Austrian Embassy, the Italian Embassy, the Military club (the officers’ club), the Russian Church - the Church of St Nicholas the Miracle-Maker, the National Museum of Natural History, the National Art Gallery (located in the former royal palace, formerly the Turkish Konak in Sofia).
The building of the Bulgarian National Bank – on the opposite side of the square in front of the National Art Gallery.  Walk into it and see the building from inside.

Sofia University St Kliment Ohridsky

The University St. Kliment Ohridski - Sofia was the first school of higher education established in Bulgaria. Its history is an embodiment of centuries of cultural and educational tradition in the country. Organized education in Bulgaria dates back to the 9th century AD. During the period of the National Revival the concept of opening a School of Higher Education was born.

National Gallery for Foreign Art

The National Gallery of Foreign Art, opened on November 5, 1985, has established itself as one of the prestigious cultural institutions in the City of Sofia. The newly reconstructed neo-classical building, formerly the old printing house has accommodated the integration of a unique cultural heritage. Sofia, where history and tradition are part of the atmosphere, has developed an image matching her to the other great historic cities of Europe.

St. Sofia Church - Hagia Sophia, Agia Sofia (from the Greek: Ἁγία Σοφία, "Holy Wisdom"; Latin: Sancta Sophia or Sancta Sapientia). St.Sofia

Hagia Sophia, Agia Sofia (from the Greek: Ἁγία Σοφία, "Holy Wisdom"; Latin: Sancta Sophia or Sancta Sapientia). St.Sofia is the oldest Eastern Orthodox church in Sofia with a long and fascinating history. It is a recently restored Byzantine church, built on the site of several earlier churches and places of worship dating back to the days when it was the necropolis of the Roman town Serdica (named after the Thracian Serdii tribe who originally inhabited the area). It also gave the name of the town.

Църква Света София

Basilica of Hagia Sophia

Християнска трикорабна базилика. ІV-VІ в.

A Christian tree-nave basilica, 4th-6th centuries.

Изградена в некропола на антична Сердика на мястото на по-стари църкви от ІV век. Ясно се разпознават няколко строителни етапа и промени до завършването ѝ през VІ век.

It was built on the bases of older churches from the 4th century. Clearly distinguished are several phases of building and changes until its completion uring the 6th century.

В Средновековието е изпълнявала функцията на градска съборна църква. Пострадала е при земетресенията през 1818 и 1858. Реставрирана е през 1935, 1982, 1998-2001 г.

In the Middle Ages – a town cathedral. It suffered in the earthquakes of 1818 and 1858. It was repeatedly restored, in 1935, 1982 and 1998-2001.



В план сградата е с правоъгълна форма, ориентирана изток-запад. В тази ос пространството е разделено от мощни колони на три части (кораби).

In its paln the building has a rectangular shape and is oriented east-west. In this axis the space is separated by mighty columns in three parts (naves).

Средният кораб, както е при базиликите, доминира над страничните. Източната част на свободното му вътрешно пространство завършва с полукръгла отвътре и тристенна отвън абсида. Средният кораб е пресечен от трансепт. Еднаквата ширина на двата кораба на плана очертава фигурата на кръст. В центъра на пространствената композиция, в образувалия се квадрат, върху арките на четири масивни стълба, се извисява централният купол.

The middle nave, as in the basilicas, dominates over the side ones. The eastern part of its free interior ends in a semi-circular apsida inside and in a triangular one outside. The middle nave is crossed by a transverse transept. The width of the two naves is the same, and clearly outlined in the plan is a figure of a cross. In the centre of the spatial composition, in the square that has formed, the central dome towers on the arches and on four massive pillars.

Трансептът и страничните кораби завършват с кръстовидни сводове. Градежът е с тухли, скрепени с варов хоросан. Внушението е за простота и сурова строгост. Църквата е богато осветена от множество прозорци, обогатяващи органично строгата архитектура на екстериора и интериора.

The transept and the side naves end in cross-like vaults. In the western section is the narthex. New elements in the architecture are the two spaces lateral to the narthex, remaining outside the major rectangle. The building material is bricks, sealed by lime plaster. The impression is of simplicity and raw austerity. The church is luxuriously illuminated by many windows, enriching the organically austere architecture of the exterior and the interior.

Под базиликата има археологическо ниво с над 100 гробници (ІІ в. пр.Хр. – ІІ в.н.е.), което е в процес на експониране.

Under the basilica there is an archaeological level with over 100 tombs (2nd century BC – 2nd century AD), which is the process of being exhibited.

Изобразителни изкуства

Pictorial arts

Фрагменти от мозайки за пода на църкви от ІV век. Стенописи в гробниците под базиликата Св. София.

Fragments of mosaics for the floor of churches from the 4th century. Mural paintings in the tombs under the Hagia Sophia basilica.



Света София – Божия Премъдрост

Hagia Sophia – a symbol of God’s Wisdom

Базилика – от гр. basilike, правоъгълна постройка, която е разделена от колони или стълбове на надлъжни вътрешни пространства – кораби. Базиликата е най-разпространеният архитектурен тип храм до ІХ в.

Basilica – from Greek basilike – a rectangular building which is separated by columns or pillars in three longitudinal internal spaces – naves. The Christina basilica is the most common architectural type of church until the 9th century.

Притвор – нартекс – обособено пространство в западната част на храма, служещо за преход между екстериора и наоса

Narthex – a separate place in the western section of the church, serving as a transition between the exterior and the naos

Наос – от гр. naos, в средновековната християнска архитектура – главното (централното) пространство на храма

Naos – in the Medieval Christian architecture –the main (central) space of the church

Олтарно пространство – в средновековната християнска архитектура – обособено място в източната част на църквата, където се извършва основната част от богослужението

Sanctuary – in the Medieval Church architecture – a separate place in the eastern section of the church where the major part of the divine service is held

Трансепт – кораб, напречен на средния кораб, ориентиран север-юг

The transept – nave, transverse to the middle nave, with an orientation north-south

Още на http://www.ulpiaserdica.com/b_sofia_bg.html

More at http://www.ulpiaserdica.com/b_sofia_en.html

Проект за консервация, реставрация и експониране на археологическото ниво под базилика „Света София”

Project for conservation, restoration and exhibiting of the archeological level under the basilica of Hagia Sophia

Проектът предвижда комплекс от консервационно-реставрационни дейности, които да гарантират дълговечността на археологическите структури. Паралелно с извършването на архитектурно строителните работи по експонирането, ще бъде предприето конструктивно укрепване въз основа на проведените изследвания на сградата на земетръс. Предвидено е да бъде изпълнен комплекс от работи по инфраструктурното обезпечаване. По този начин ще се осигури възможността за цялостно разглеждане на археологическото ниво на Базиликата и обемно-пространственото му въздействие. Предвидени са места за аранжиране на музейни експозиции, където ще бъдат представен археологически находки, намерени на място в процеса на археологическото проучване. Чрез тях ще бъде дадена информация на богатата история на Базиликата и мястото, на което тя е ситуирана.

Предвидената за експониране достъпна археологическа площ с разкритите гробни съоръжения е 605 м2, а осредненият общ експозиционен обем се равнява на 1781 м2. Гробните съоръжения са датирани между втората четвърт на ІІ век и последната четвърт на ІV век.

The project provides a complex of conservation and restoration activities. These activities guarantee the long life of the archaeological remains. Parallel to the architectural and building activities, a constructive strengthening will be carried out (on the basis of seismic – resistance investigation). A complex of activities, needed for the adaptation of the underground level, is provided. Thus aims at sightseeing of the archaeological level and providing of a tree – dimension effect. It will provide areas for museum site. These sites will exhibit the archaeological remains, excavated at the underground level.

They will give information for the rich history of the Basilica and is at area of 605 sq.m., while the area of the overall exhibition space is 1781 cubic m. The graves and tombs are dated from the second quarter of 2nd century to the last quarter of 4th century.

Прогнозната стойност на проекта: 4 931 317 евро.

Approximate expenses for the project: 4 931 317 EUR.

Cathedral St. Alexander Nevski

Още информация на Български

"St. Alexander Nevski" cathedral is one of the most significant monuments in Sofia. It was built between 1882 and 1912, in honour of the Russian Tzar Alexander II, referred to as Tsar Osvoboditel,The King Liberator, given this name because his army helped liberate Bulgaria from Ottoman rule in 1878. The church was built as a memorial to the 200,000 Russian soldiers who died in the Russo-Turkish Liberation War (1877-1878). The cathedral bears the name of the patron saint of the family of the Russian Tzar.

The magnificent church is built to the designs of the Russian architect Pomerantsev in Neo Byzantine style, typical for Russia in the the XIX th century.

Also there, on the left of the main entrance is the stairs to the under the church space, referred to as "the crypt" (from the Latin crypta and the Greek κρύπτη, kryptē; meaning concealed, private).  It houses the collection of finest Bulgarian medieval art - mainly icons.


Working hours of the Crypt: 10.30-12.30 и 14.00-18.30
Closed on Mondays

The church works dalily untill 6pm

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